

Glass artist Kathleen Hunt resides in the “Lowcountry” of South Carolina but lived in southern California most of her life, with a short detour to Arizona. She graduated from California State University at Long Beach and taught English and American History. The art of glass has always fascinated Kathleen with its diversity. She made stained glass windows and skylights before discovering the wondrous images she could create in a kaleidoscope. ’Scopes have been her primary focus since the 1980s. Recently Kathleen has produced dichroic wall art and dichroic jewelry. She is internationally collected with galleries throughout the United States, Japan and the United Kingdom. Corporate collectors include Warner Bros., Sun Financial Services, Bergen Pharmaceuticals and many others. In 2012, Kathleen’s kaleidoscopes were chosen by Sony-Japan to be included in their biennial art catalog for sales exclusively in Japan. Several of her unique kaleidoscopes are included in the permanent collection of the world’s only kaleidoscope museum in Sendai, Japan.

Kathleen’s Artist Statement

“The Kaleidoscopes I create are produced using stained and fused glass. Only first surface mirror is used to form two, three and four mirror systems enhanced by fused and dichroic glass image disks and image cells. The Kaleidoscopes are assembled into 3-D art glass sculptures by copper foiling and decorative soldering to construct each piece.

Every one-of-a-kind kaleidoscope is uniquely embellished, making each ’scope a work of interactive art. My vision is to create kaleidoscopes that are as eye catching outside as the wondrous images created inside. The calm and soothing interaction my art presents enhances the beauty of each distinctive piece.

Kaleidoscopes continue to challenge my imagination to create inventive variations of this unique art form.